- Add the following gem into your Gemfile
- gem 'devise'
- gem 'devise-encryptable'
- Run the following commands from console
- bundle intstall
- rails g devise:install
- In model file whatever you are using saving user information like user.rb
- devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :confirmable, :validatable, :encryptable, :encryptor => :restful_authentication_sha1
- In config/initializers/devise.rb, configure as below
We are setting empty pepper and stretches to 1. This is how restful authentication works. It does not use stretches or pepper (by default).
( Note: You may find REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY in config/initializers/site_keys.rb )
In other case if You did set the REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY , then configure as below
config.stretches = 10
config.pepper = "<YOUR_REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY>"
config.pepper = "<YOUR_REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY>"
- If you're using :validatable you may have to adjust your minimum password length. Devise uses 8, restful_authentication uses 6.
- In config/initializers/devise.rb
That is it for configuration. Now we have to change the table column names (without deleting them) to give devise what it wants. Here is the migration file I used. Change it according to your app's business logic.
- Add migration to change columns
class ConvertRaToDevise < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
rename_column :users, "crypted_password", "encrypted_password"
change_column :users, "encrypted_password", :string, :limit => 128, :default => "", :null => false
rename_column :users, "salt", "password_salt"
change_column :users, "password_salt", :string, :default => "", :null => false
add_column :users, "remember_created_at", :datetime
def self.down
remove_column :users, "remember_created_at"
rename_column :users, "encrypted_password", "crypted_password"
change_column :users, "crypted_password", :string, :limit => 40
rename_column :users, "password_salt", "salt"
change_column :users, "salt", :string, :limit => 40
You will able to use devise as authentication for your project.
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