Some Errors are given below while migration of rails 2 to rails 4
- 'rake/rdoctask' is obsolete and no longer supported. Use 'rdoc/task' (available in RDoc 2.4.2+) instead.
require 'rake/rdoctask'
require 'rdoc/task'
- undefined method `attr_accessible' for
Add ‘gem 'protected_attributes' to Gemfile
- undefined method `link_to_function' for
Add patch in app/helpers/link_to_helper_function.rb
module LinkToFunctionHelper
def link_to_function(name, *args, &block)
html_options = args.extract_options!.symbolize_keys
function = block_given? ? update_page(&block) : args[0] || ''
onclick = "#{"#{html_options[:onclick]}; " if html_options[:onclick]}#{function}; return false;"
href = html_options[:href] || '#'
content_tag(:a, name, html_options.merge(:href => href, :onclick => onclick))
- ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError (Association named 'authorizations' was not found on User
Change in lib/authenticated_system.rb:108 to (if using restful-authentication)
User.includes(:roles => :authorizations).find_by_id(session[:user_id])
- undefined method `has_strings' for
Comment has_string wherever you find it.
- Unknown key: :order. Valid keys are: :class_name, :class, :foreign_key…
Change format something like that
has_many :commission_reports, :order => "volume_year DESC, volume_month DESC", :dependent => :destroytohas_many :commission_reports, -> { order "volume_year DESC, volume_month DESC" }, dependent: :destroy
- undefined method `on' for #<ActiveModel::Errors
Rails 4, the problem is that there's no "on" method for the Errors class anymore. We use "get". From
Change format something like that
- undefined method `call' when doing a simple query
Change scope from all models from
scope :enquiry, where({:involvement => INVOLVEMENT_ENQUIRY, :archived => false})
scope :enquiry, -> { where({:involvement => INVOLVEMENT_ENQUIRY, :archived => false}) }
- Fix Typical Syntax on has_many like associations
has_many :prices, -> { includes(:country).order("created_at desc") }, as: :priceable, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "Price"
- Undefined method confirmed_me?
remove :confirmable from model where we have defined the devise parameters eg User model if not using
- Unknown key: :include
Change has_many statement
- NoMethodError (undefined method `authenticated?' )
FInd authenticated? and replace with devise method valid_password?
- NoMethodError (undefined method `forget_me' for
Copy forget_me method from restful-authentication to User model
- link_to_function and the view helper with postfix _tag doesn’t work in rails 4 so the solution is
Add Gem into the gem file
gem 'prototype-rails'
In rails 2 prototype was supported but in rails 3 the jquery supports so we get the errors like
- Keep in mind that the rails 2 already create a application.js and application.css in public folder so do not create same name files in assets folder. That can also give you conflicts.
- element.dispatchEvent is not a function
Here you have include the app/assets and public/assets together
So keep in mind the hierarchy of inclusion of files, in short
first jquery
second prototype
referred link
<script src="prototype.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
After that include below in head of the html file the below line
- javascript_include_tag :default doesn’t work in rails 4
- calendar_date_select doesn’t work in rails 4
- LocalJump Error
This is due to the return keyword written in block. So remove return from the block.
- undefined method `scoped' for
scoped method has been deprecated from rails 4. use all on place of it.
- Search Or.. functionality was not working so change it that code
Replace div with some some id
- Move all the assets from public folder to app folder
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